How to optimize your website for SEO if you are a photographer

How to optimize your website for SEO if you are a photographer

If you work in the world of photography and you want your website to appear high on the first page of Google results so that more clients hire your services, don’t miss the following SEO tips.

Whether you are starting your career in the world of photography or, on the contrary, you have many years of experience behind you, SEO must become your fundamental ally so that your target audience finds you high up in the Google ladder. and your photography website improves its positioning and therefore, your financial results and your online reputation .

The first key is to use the correct keywords, using tools like Google’s Keyword Planner and putting the focus on the mind of your client. It is essential that you take a look at the search volume estimates around keywords such as “wedding photographer” or “wedding photography”, to understand which are more appropriate and likely to be included in the content of your blog or website .

It is essential that you take into account the intention of the queries towards the service , since there may be people interested in obtaining ideas and others, who type in search of a complete service. Intent is always more important than volume , especially if two words have similar volume.

Another fundamental key is to create content to answer the most frequent questions of users on Google, since many have doubts about photography services for different types of events. This is why FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) style content works great on search engines, responding well to user intent. You can use online tools like KeywordTool .

Guide for photographers who want to optimize their website for SEO

Do not forget to pay attention to local SEO , essential for small businesses, SMEs and e-commerce portals . Keep in mind that, with few exceptions, most people looking for photographers want a service that is close to them and not one on the other side of the country.

When someone performs a search on Google, and due to the geolocation of Google My Business, it is the local photographers that appear first, followed by recommendation pages or directories such as Yellow Pages. Having good and abundant customer reviews also improves organic results. If you receive negative feedback, you must also manage it.

Finally, it is essential to optimize individual images for SEO, something you should also do with videos . To do this, the file name must be descriptive of the image, rather than “img256.jpg” or another ambiguous string of characters. To upload them to the web, you must compress the size of the image to ensure that it loads quickly , since slowness is a staunch enemy of SEO . Of course, you must edit them to preserve their quality.

Remember to include the alternative text or ALT attribute , which you can enter in most content management systems like WordPress. Because search engines cannot yet “see” what an image contains, they use the alternative text to better understand what the image is about, so include keywords that describe the image. The text near the image is also scanned by search engines for contextual clues and to understand what the image contains.

Of course, include original and valuable content for your potential clients on your blog and on social networks – lists, help with photography apps, recommendations, tutorials, product reviews, explanatory videos or stories and anecdotes about your experience in the field of photography – will generate more traffic to your website and increase your authority in the eyes of Google .

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